Learn to Work with Angels: New Angel Course Online!

If you’ve ever wanted to learn to work with Angels, my new Angel Course Online is perfect for you! The course is entirely online, so you can access it anytime you want, making it extremely convenient. Simply sign up to take the angel course today!

Why You Need this Course

Many of us are now discovering that the angels we believed in as children – but dismissed as adults – truly exist. Who are they? Where do they come from? Our misconceptions about them may impede our efforts to find them.

Angelic Awakening Course One is an introductory map of the heavens and some of its inhabitants. This workbook will help you connect with the ancient ones we know as Angels, so that you can become a co-worker for healing yourself and others.

About the Angel Course

You’ll learn more about Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael (and many more), different types of angels, and representations of angels throughout history. You’ll learn new techniques to use to ground yourself, clear your aura (and your workspace), plus how to give an angel healing session to yourself or another person.

Angelic Healing: Practitioner Workbook

If you’re interested, you can buy the book on amazon.com: Angelic Healing: Practitioner Workbook for Angelic Awakening.

This workbook teaches you to connect with Angels to become a co-worker to heal yourself and others.

The book came together as a manual for workshops I teach. I am the illustrator as well as the author. For several decades I have used my formal art education to create angel portraits for individuals. I use my skills as a spiritual reader to channel information about each angel image. I LOVE doing this, as the angels are uplifting and inspiring! View On Amazon

Training Courses by Sue

If you’re interested in my new angel course online, you may also want to explore these training courses I offer:

View All Courses
Art of Meditation
Angelic Awakening
Blueprint of Light
Chakra Balancing
Charms Reading
Guided Imagery
Karma Cleansing
Reiki Level One
Reiki Level Two

Lets Connect Online

I’m online every day, sharing experiences, offering new classes, and engaging with my students! I’d love for you to join me on any or all of my social media accounts:

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