Sue is gentle and kind and very good at what she does (although I can't ever figure out just what it is that she does, I just know it works!) She is artistic, intuitive, curious, and has a voracious appetite for learning.
Sherry Mullins Licensed Professional CounselorI have known Sue for well over 20 years now and I have taken pretty much every classes ever offered and she is just amazing
I’ve never met someone so magical in real life and if you have the opportunity to spend any time with her, it will be a blessing to your life.

I think it’s really rare to have a spiritual coach who can real time tap into her clients without needing any back story. You always know exactly what’s most optimal for the next step of a person’s journey (whether they take that advice or not lol) that’s huge for a life coach (pardon the generic term) and one of the things I love most about having you on my team. I know I can always count on you to point me in the right direction even when I don’t have a clue
You’re extremely gifted in so many modalities that it seems like you always have the perfect way of addressing whatever it is that needs addressed. I tell me friends that I talk to about you, that you’re an unbelievably gifted psychic and I give them a few stories about energy work that you’ve done on me while we were talking, without me even knowing, until I thought “what was that” and you spoke and would say “oh you felt that?”.
It’s happened so many times I can’t count but that level of understanding of a person seems to have every person I talk to want to schedule w you immediately lol It’s true though. I’ve never met anyone that has that ability in a real time conversation to see and “put a symbol” on my head pain for example and make it go away without breaking the conversation. I’m not sure how to translate that into marketability, but if I tried it would be something like “she is able to answer all the questions we didn’t even know how to ask”.
As for the “Customer Journeys” I feel like you very personally guide us on our journeys, even if it’s a common path, but I think adding the point that it’s a journey tailored for us could be a huge selling point.
Hope this helps. I have so much love and appreciation for what you do, how you do it, and the impact you‘ve had in my life. If there’s anything else I can share that might help please let me know.
Sean White, Builder, Shaman

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You’re extremely gifted in so many modalities that it seems like you always have the perfect way of addressing whatever it is that needs addressed.
Sean White Builder, Shaman